Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, Book Review

Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons By Darlene Lewis, Academic Interventionist, More to Grow Cognitive Development Training Shockingly, the ABC song we all learned as children is unnecessary for learning how to read and for some students even complicates the process. Say aloud the letter C.  Do you hear the /s/ sound? ...

Teacher Tricks for the Tired Parent

Hitting a bump in the road with school or homework?  Here are a few teacher tricks I’m reminding myself of, that maybe can encourage us both. 1) Every 20 minutes take a break. Play a game between subjects such as Blink, Set, Spot It Animals, Q-Bitz, Qwitch, and Tangoes Animals. 2) Incorporate physical activities and sunshine...

Dyslexia and Cognitive Processing

What is Dyslexia? The decades old stereotype of dyslexia being letters that shift on the page and the reversal of b and d is not completely accurate.  Check out the Latin roots: Dys means bad and lexia means read or vocabulary.  Therefore, dyslexia literally means bad reading or bad vocabulary.  People with reading struggles are...