
Ms. Lewis has been a huge encouragement and breath of fresh air to our family. Challenges we had struggled with for a long time quickly began to disappear as we met with her and worked through assignments at home. Ms. Lewis is able to pinpoint areas that need strengthening and give solutions that work.  As a mom, I have also been encouraged in a broader sense that solutions exist for common issues beyond those which our culture relies upon, just by exercising the brain God gave us!  If you are searching for answers, there is hope! Reach out to Ms. Lewis! She is incredibly insightful and has a wealth of solutions for a vast array of struggles. More to Grow gave us the breakthrough we needed, and I highly recommend her help! ~ McKenzie, Chelsea, AL

We started working with Darlene when our daughter was in the second grade.  She was struggling in many areas at a local private school, and her teachers really didn’t have any answers. Working with Darlene not only improved those past areas of struggle, but it increased her confidence in a way that we had not seen previously.  Sitting in sessions while they worked showed me first hand how much Darlene loves her students and wants the best for them.  Not only did the sessions benefit our daughter in areas of reading, math, auditory processing and working memory, but I was able to benefit as well. Having considered homeschool as an option for our daughter, working alongside Darlene gave me the confidence I needed to go on that adventure.  To say we feel like Darlene is a blessing to us is an understatement! ~ Stacey, Birmingham, AL

Our daughter joined our family by adoption at 4 years old. She had developmental delays and after trying several school settings for her, each year brought new learning struggles. She also has very strong emotional responses, and trying to work on lessons at home meant constant tears and refusal to continue. Trying to close some of her educational gaps while managing her emotional swings had me at wits end. I am incredibly grateful that a teacher who knew Darlene connected us and suggested we talk! More to Grow has been an immense blessing to our family. My daughter has learned so much, it’s unbelievable, and even better she has seen that she is capable! This has meant LOTS fewer breakdowns and less stone walling. Our bond has improved SO much! I now feel confident I can help my girl as she learns, instead of feeling I am causing damage to our relationship by pushing her all the time. She has made at least two years progress in less than a year, all the while playing games and ENJOYING herself! I have personally benefitted from the sessions with Darlene, who has great wisdom and many years of knowledge that she freely shares. She is patient with my daughter and the many questions I ask. I highly recommend her program! ~Liz, Birmingham, AL

I am 14 years old and I started brain training 9 months ago and it has helped me so much. Reading, reading  comprehension, communication and math have always been hard for me.  I would never want to read in front of even a small group. It would stress me out.  Then being stressed would make me mess up even more.  NOW I can read in front of a big group with no hesitation!  When I would try to communicate my feelings or thoughts I would have the thoughts in my head, but I couldn’t figure out how to communicate them verbally.  Then others would get frustrated and confused because I couldn’t say something as simple as what I did in my day. NOW I can confidently communicate my feelings without even stuttering. Math has always been a struggle and I was never confident in doing it, NOW I am capable of understanding it in a deeper level. NOW if it is hard I just take my time and ask for help if I need it. All in all my confidence has shot up tremendously and I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to rewire my brain with More to Grow Cognitive Development Brain Training.  ~Atley, Raleigh, NC (ZOOM student)

More To Grow has been a game-changer for my son and our family.  Before, I thought he just needed to show more self-control and just do what he needed to do!  Halfway through the program my son has made tremendous growth in multiple areas.  His memory and problem-solving are much improved.  His nervous behavior has disappeared.  Unexpectedly, his coordination is better and he is enjoying activities that he had never before shown an interest.  Most importantly, his personality has blossomed!  He is happier, relaxed, and more respectful to others. ~Stacey, Vestavia Hills, AL

Darlene has been an answer to our prayers! After struggling for years with several different learning difficulties in reading, spelling and math in school, I feel like we finally have answers as to the “why” behind many of my daughter’s struggles. Darlene has educated me as I have sat alongside every tutoring session and watched as she has patiently worked on working memory exercises, visual and auditory processing skills, long term memory games and so many other things! She has encouraged my daughter in ways far beyond math and reading skills, but in confidence and perseverance. I am so thankful for the influence she has had on my daughter and consequently, on me. ~Karen, Helena, AL

More to Grow with Ms. Lewis was a tremendous benefit to my kids and family. I have two children with dyslexia and after our evaluation, Ms. Lewis wisely saw that the More to Grow program could fit their needs. My schedule allowed me to be the primary parent to sit in the sessions and watch their growth.  It was remarkable. The program was challenging, but Ms. Lewis did it in a fun, non-threatening way. I loved that my job was to play games at home and be proud of what the kids were learning. I did not feel the pressure to push the kids because I knew that each session, the kids would be gently stretched and challenged. My own memory was challenged and I benefitted as my working memory was strengthened. I even enrolled my non-dyslexic child before she entered high school, because I saw such benefit. Before we started, we were spending large amounts of time on homework and frustrating nights trying different ways of learning the same material. Now, the ability to memorize spelling and new concepts is done quickly and more appropriate for their age. I believe through the guidance of Ms. Lewis they have a foundation that will allow them to retain information and apply what they learn. Ms. Lewis was flexible and focused on what we together saw as the primary concerns. I appreciate that she kept the kids moving through the program but was willing to meet the kids’ needs along the way. I have 3 very different children, and her ability to engage each of them showed her to be an amazing educator. ~Garrett, Birmingham, AL

“We are beyond grateful for the progress that our son has made with Ms. Lewis. He is a very smart child, but we were struggling with reading something, formulating ideas from the reading and then getting it onto paper. I tried so many different approaches with him, but it just was not clicking. After hearing about More to Grow Cognitive Development from a friend, I did a considerable amount of research and was amazed. It made perfect sense! We had the initial evaluation and I was blown away with how this approach really was effective in identifying areas that he struggled with. It is been wonderful to be part of a plan of action that has produced results! Each week I am amazed at his growth in confidence, memory, critical thinking, ability to focus, and ability to carry out multiple tasks when given instructions only one time. His ability to read something and put thoughts on the paper has definitely improved! I have received feedback from his teachers that they have seen significant improvement in his focus and responses in written work. We are so grateful for all the unexpected areas that he has improved in as a result from More to Grow Cognitive Development. His handwriting has greatly improved! He is better able to focus and be more diligent in his work. His confidence has grown in every aspect. Best of all, he is not the only one benefiting from these sessions. Our entire family has enjoyed and benefited from playing the “Brain Games” together. The benefits from this approach could be helpful for anyone!  Ms. Lewis is so very patient, encouraging and skillful in her approach. It is evident that she is very gifted and has a passion for helping others with More to Grow Cognitive Development.”  ~Carla, Rainbow City, AL

“I have been greatly encouraged with the progress my son has made in the More to Grow program so far.  He is always excited about going, and the way Ms. Lewis has the session organized he maintains focus and excitement throughout an hour of challenging brain games.  His confidence in himself has improved as well.  Additionally, I have gained valuable strategies to use at home with schoolwork and chores.  The games are fun and ever-changing and Ms. Lewis is such a positive encourager.”    ~Ashley, Birmingham, AL

“I highly recommend Darlene Lewis and this program of Cognitive Development Training.  My son, who hates to be still, loved coming to her sessions and would be able to stay focused and engaged for a full hour.  She keeps the activities moving, and is a fantastic encourager.  Another key component is that she equipped me to be able to conduct these lessons at home.  I’m thankful for the confidence she instilled in my son, and the tools she taught me.” ~Ash, Birmingham, AL

I recommend Darlene Lewis to you as a teacher of Cognitive Development.  Darlene has been tutoring our 9 year old son, for the past six months, and has truly been a godsend to our family.  He was diagnosed with high-functioning autism (often known as Asperger’s syndrome) at age 5, together with various developmental delays.  Over the course of the last few years, he has taken part in many kinds of therapy: occupational, physical, speech and social skills.  However, he continued to struggle, particularly with memory retention and with abstract symbols and concepts such as those found in math or music. Our son connected well with Darlene right away.  She was able to spot some root developmental issues that other therapists’ evaluations had missed, and to propose an individualized plan to help him grow in multiple areas.  My husband and I have seen him improve in many ways as a results of Darlene’s training.  He is now able to follow multi-step instructions, where before he could barely remember one step at a time.  He can retain new information from week to week, and we’ve seen quite a surge in his creative abilities. Most of all, we appreciate the way that Darlene reminds our son that he is made in the image of God.  She is very patient with him, yet also persistent as she lovingly challenges him to reach each new level.  He has had a tendency to “shut down” when facing a challenge, but he now reminds himself and those around him that “hard is good”.  Darlene Lewis has been a great blessing to our family, and I highly recommend her as a teacher and mentor. ~Emma, Birmingham, AL

As a small business owner, it’s important to be “on my game” managing a business, projects and employees. After a few concussions I noticed I was not thinking as quickly or clearly and tasks and projects seemed to be harder. I started Cognitive Therapy with Darlene and More to Grow and began to notice a big difference in memory recall and my ability to multi-task after just a few sessions!  I am consistently surprised after each session how much improvement I make over the previous session. ~John, business owner, Birmingham, AL

My daughter wouldn’t be looking at colleges at all without Cognitive Development Training.  More to Grow totally changed her life, and mine for that matter!  Previously her working memory score was 4% and on standardized testing she barely got above 50% in any subject.  In 2022 I was just blow away by my daughter’s test scores, even science was almost 80th percentile.  Now in 2023, my daughter took the Iowa Standardized Testing again and she did it all on her own. She didn’t ask for help reading any words that would be an IEP modification in the non-reading areas.  She completed it and her test scores were amazing and even higher than last year right after we finished our sessions with More to Grow.  We would not be here if it wasn’t for Darlene. ~ Alexandra, Raleigh, NC

“I am 18 years old, and I have been participating in Cognitive Development Training with Ms. Lewis for four weeks. I have already experienced benefits. The most noticeable improvement is that I am no longer stuttering when I read. I am also gaining confidence in school. Ms. Lewis is a great teacher and thoroughly explains the activities in a way that I can understand. The games are fun, and I look forward to doing them each day. Our meetings are online and extremely convenient. The homework takes less than 30 minutes a day. I took vision therapy when I was younger, and this does not compare. Cognitive Development Training covers so much more! I already feel like my comprehension is improving and math homework seems easier. Overall, Ms. Lewis is a fun, easy-going, understanding, and incredibly encouraging instructor. I highly recommend Ms. Lewis for your Cognitive Development Training.”  ~Felicia, Raleigh, NC    

“Darlene Lewis has used Cognitive Therapy exercises to help many students improve academically.  She encourages students and helps build confidence in their classroom performance as well in daily life.  Students we have recommended to her have significantly improved in reading, math and social skills.  The techniques she uses help children and adults in multiple areas.  I believe cognitive therapy is very beneficial to improve academic performance.”  ~Mrs. Pittman, Excelsior teacher, Birmingham, AL

“Learning how to identify our son’s areas of struggle and marry them to his areas of giftedness is where More to Grow Cognitive Development became a game changer!  My son has become more equipped and empowered to increase his cognitive abilities for a lifetime due to his primitive reflexes being refined, working memory growing in leaps, processing speed and critical thinking skills steadily increasing. Our Cognitive Training Sessions, what we referred to as “Brain Games,” were a welcome break from our daily routine.  During the sessions, observing him conquer cognitive tasks from one degree of difficulty to the next was like watching magical keys unlocking parts of his brain for the very first time.  I highly recommend this program for everyone – not just those who have identifiable challenges.  The cognitive strength gained with this type of training is an asset to all and I’m so very grateful for it!”   ~Ashley, Inverness, AL

“I have been amazed with my 8 year old son’s improvement in just the few short weeks we have been working with Ms. Lewis.  Just a quick example: we had been working at home on his x9 multiplication drills.  His goal was to get all 24 multiplication problems right in 60 seconds.  After working a long time, his quickest time was still 65 seconds.  We took a break to work on Cognitive Development Training.  Afterward reminding him Ms. Lewis said the games would “restart the brain” he reluctantly agreed to take another multiplication drill.  His time was 50 seconds (15 seconds off his time)!  It was amazing!!  The brain games really did reset his brain and helped him to perform better.”  ~Tina, Rainbow City, AL

“This program is so amazing.  It is the most creative approach to learning.  Thank you, Darlene!!” ~Shea, Birmingham, AL

“Excellent care, professional approach, amazing knowledge in field, and so much excitement and energy!  Highly recommend.” ~Wade & Joan, Ljubljana, Slovenia

“Darlene has taught my children Language Arts in class for nearly five years, and our family has benefited from her expertise and excellent instruction in countless ways. My son easily participated in the evaluation due to her warm and engaging personality and a fun, relaxed environment. Her love for children and desire to see them exercise their potential is evident from the very first interaction.”   ~Susanna, Birmingham, AL